1.Spending lots of time with your children.
A. Really getting to know them
B. Being able to see when/where character training is necessary
2.Tailoring each child’s education to fit their learning style and their interests
3.Making our own schedule
A. Night owls vs early birds
B.Being able to vacation or travel when we want to
4.Less peer pressure when it comes to clothing, music, etc
5.Eating all 3 meals together
A. Home cooked meals that don’t need to be rushed
6.Cuddle time whenever needed
A. Whether to watch something on TV or read a book together or simply just to talk
7.Reading whatever we want to
A. One day about the civil war, one day about Picasso, one day about submarines. It doesn’t matter!
8.More time to devote to community activities
A. Freedom to volunteer for a wide variety of community needs/events
B. Theater, dance, martial arts, sports, 4H, church, whatever you choose
9.Learn how to interact with people of all ages
10.Free to be who you are meant to be
A. Less pressure to fit in
B. Time to really delve in to what interests you
11.Free to dream big dreams and explore them without judgement or condemnation
12. Make learning a way of life and not just something that happens at school
What other benefits of homeschooling would you include on this list?