Autumn is a season that absolutely delights the senses!!
The images of leaves changing colors, the scent of apples, the feel of the cool air, the taste of pumpkin pie, and the sound of leaves rustling, can send you into an autumn euphoria!
Ahhhh….those autumn leaves(can’t you just smell them now?)
Sharing this season with the children in your life can bring such joy. To me, there is nothing like autumn to bring out your sense of childlike wonder. Children love to experience FALL, so, take your child outside.
Enjoy the leaves!
This season is short and it’s time to embrace it!
Children generally have a lot of energy and love being outdoors. What a great time to take advantage of that, and get some help with yard work at the same time. It’s amazing how much fun it is to rake leaves into piles with your children.
And once the pile is big enough, not many children can resist jumping into it.
Get in touch with your inner child, and jump in with them. I assure you, the memories and giggles that will ensue will far outlive the mess on your clothing.

Go for a walk with your children(bring along a bag), and start collecting leaves. Try to gather as many different types and colors as possible.
I’m going to offer a list of suggestions for some different activities to do with your abundance of leaves!
What to do with all those autumn leaves you’ve collected:
- Sort them. By color, by type, by crispy or soft, or however you choose.
- Identify them. Use a tree field guide(can borrow from the library), or look up a leaf identification site online.
- Make a leaf book. Depending on the age of your child, you can make one as simple as placing a different color leaf on each page and labeling or as detailed as including name of the tree, as well as all information about the tree.
- Put the dry, crumbly ones into a sensory bin and let the child crumble and play with them(throw in some toy animals or spiders or dinosaurs for extra fun).
- Make leaf rubbings. Using a sheet of paper and some crayons(paper removed), set paper on top of the leaf and rub. Can identify and label the leaf if you want to.
- Use the leaf as a paintbrush and get creative.
- Decorate a jar! Use ModgePodge and cover a jar with that and different colored leaves.
- Leaf animals.  Get creative and add eyes, noses, and mouths to a few and give them names! Â
- Play store and use the leaves as currency(to practice those math skills).
- Thread leaves together to make a necklace or a garland.

I hope these ideas encourage you to get outside and enjoy this season with your child, no matter what age they are.
Take some time to absorb the sights, sounds, textures, scents, and tastes of autumn. Not only is this fall season short, but so is childhood, so don’t be afraid to jump in the leaves with your child and totally embrace this short season.
Gread read. I children will love to try that out
Loved the jar, dry leave & tealight candles idea… interesting read !!! Kudos
These are great suggestions! Fall is the perfect time to get outside and learn from nature 🙂