Hi! Thank you for checking out my blog!!
My name is Melissa, I’m married to a wonderful man, and we have been blessed with 4 amazing children. My oldest is 21, and my youngest is 10.
So, why did I start a blog? Well, my mom passed away unexpectedly earlier this year, so life’s been a sad struggle. She used to come over to visit us every day. I cannot even count the number of times she’d tell me that I need to start writing down my ideas. I’ve always thought about doing just that, but have never been able to make the time. Then, a couple months ago, my youngest brother passed away, also unexpectedly. This brought all of my grief back up to the surface. It also made me think and reflect A LOT. Her words kept echoing in my head….”you need to write your ideas down! Not just for you, but for your children to read one day, and who knows, maybe along the way, you can inspire or encourage others.” Life is short, and we need to live each day to the fullest, and enjoy each chapter in our lives.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved working with children. I remember when mine were younger, the dread that grew inside of me when I realized they’d one day be teenagers. I didn’t think I’d ever enjoy being a mom to teens!! However, as they transitioned to teens and young adults, I realized that very little has changed. I still love spending time with them and we enjoy doing things together. Granted, they no longer come running out of the bathroom, excitedly, declaring that they pooped on the potty, but I still feel blessed to be a part of their enthusiasm for whatever is currently going on in their lives.
As you’ll read in my first post, we came upon our homeschooling journey naturally. It just happened. When people ask me how we decided to homeschool, I always tell them that it was just a natural fit for our family. LEARNING IS A WAY OF LIFE!
About 9 years ago, I started an in-home daycare. Since working with children was what I most enjoyed doing, this just seemed like a no-brainer for our family. I wanted to contribute to our financial needs, while still being home with my children. I saw it as a temporary fix and had no idea how much of an impact it would have on us! We have met so many incredible parents along this journey. It’s been full of the unexpected, and helped me to learn to embrace controlled chaos. As my own children are getting older, I cannot imagine not having a house full of little ones! Homeschooling and daycare seem to go hand in hand, since I feel that LEARNING IS A WAY OF LIFE.
I will be sharing insights into homeschooling and unschooling for all ages, from the littlest ones up to those crazy teens in your life! Some things that I share will be from daycare adventures, and the rest from our homeschooling adventures. I’m always open to feedback! Please feel free to comment on any blog post, and I look forward to seeing/hearing your ideas as well!
You can also DM me on Instagram or Message me on Facebook!
Thanks again for visiting my site and I look forward to sharing with you!