As Christmas is nearing, many families consider adding a pet. We’ve all seen adorable pictures of children delighting in finding a new pet on Christmas morning, under the tree. Photo by RhaĂşl V. Alva on Unsplash Our first adventure into owning pets began on my daughter’s 1st birthday when someone gave her a kitten. I…
Lessons From A Jiujitsu Tournament
Who knew what a learning experience attending my oldest son’s jiujitsu tournament would be for me? Hiccups from the moment we arrived. I couldn’t find a parking spot, so he had to walk in alone. When I finally walked into the arena, it didn’t take me long to find him standing over by the “Weigh…
I remember shortly after I had my first child, and someone said to me “enjoy these early years, because before you know it, she’ll be a teen and she’ll want nothing to do with you”. Those words scared me for years! I went on with my life, and enjoyed being a mom. I relished…
When I first started homeschooling, I worried about what my kids might miss out on. One of my main worries, was field trips. I believe strongly that children learn the most through experiences. Field trips are a major source of learning experiences, and I didn’t want my kids to be at a disadvantage. I joined…
Poetry With Children
Poetry with children has always been one of my favorite activities to incorporate into our weekly activities. Once a week, we have poetry time. Â We sit at the table and I read from different poetry books. I also introduce a type of poem to them. I started doing this when they were really young. Â Before…
12 Benefits Of Homeschooling
1.Spending lots of time with your children.      A. Really getting to know them      B. Being able to see when/where character training is necessary 2.Tailoring each child’s education to fit their learning style and their interests 3.Making our own schedule      A….
To Tv Or Not To Tv
Right after I had my daughter, 20 years ago, I had decided that I would only allow her to watch a half hour of tv per day, and that would be while I made her lunch. That lasted for a while. Then, by the time I had three little ones, it had morphed into a…
Power Of Storytelling
Storytelling can be a very powerful educational tool for our children. Not only does it encourage creativity, but it also introduces vocabulary skills, improves listening skills, encourages communication skills, and inspires creativity. There are so many ways to use storytelling with your child(ren). *Puppets: you can use traditional puppets, finger puppets, glove puppets, craft…
Autumn Fun For All Ages
When people think of fall activities, it often focuses on children’s activities. Fall always feels like a season of change to me. Time to set new goals, priorities and commitments. This is a great time to explore so many different activities for your older child(ren) too! Even my high schoolers always seem energized and excited…
How My Journey Into Homeschooling Began
As soon as our parenting journey begins, we want what is best for our children. We want them to have the best of everything! We want them to be happy. We love to watch them grow and learn. We know their hearts and share their milestones with them. Sometime around preschool age, many parents no…