Ever since my children were born, I’ve enjoyed making each holiday as special as possible. Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays because there was less commercial pressure than during other holidays to spend money on silly, unnecessary items. Today I’m going to share with you some ways I’ve tried to make Easter…
Teen’s View Of Unschooling
At the beginning of this school year, I asked each of my children to write a paper stating what unschooling has meant to them. I was very interested in seeing my teen’s view of unschooling. Here is what my just turned 18 yr old wrote: Homeschooling my whole life has given me the unique advantage…
Public Libraries
When my daughter turned 2, we decided to make some changes in our lives. I became a stay-home mom and we made sacrifices to become a one income family. One of my addictions was purchasing books for my daughter. I’m a huge advocate for exposing children to good books at all ages. My sacrifice was…
Fear Of Failure
Have you ever longed to do something, but been too afraid to actually try it?I have been guilty of this so many times that I’ve lost count. As I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on my life lately, I can definitely see what has been the driving force behind so many decisions that I’ve…
When I first began homeschooling, I’d never heard the term unschooling. I hadn’t researched all the different methods of homeschooling because I honestly didn’t even know there were different methods. I just did what worked for my daughter(and later my boys too) and I at the time. It wasn’t for many years that I heard…
Favorite Fingerplays
Fingerplays are something I’ve always enjoyed sharing with my children from the time they were very young. Since almost all children find singing so entertaining and enjoyable, fingerplays are a perfect first activity. Fingerplays can teach rhythm, counting skills, establish fine motor skills, and work on memory skills, all while capitalizing on children’s natural…
I grew up as a complete tomboy. So when I think back to my childhood memories, most involve some sort of sporting event. When I think back on my school days memories, most involve gym class. Recently, one of the children that I care for after school asked me what my favorite subject in school…
As long as I can remember, February has always been one of my favorite months to homeschool. For one thing, living in WI, the weather is cold and dreary, so we are trapped inside most of the time. Secondly, February has some fun holidays, starting with Groundhog’s Day, to Valentine’s Day, to President’s Day and…
Encouraging Teens
So many people complain about teens today and their laid back, self-entitled, lazy attitudes.I’m here to tell you that these people are missing out! Teens can be ambitious, responsible and ready to learn, when given the right tools and support. At this stage in life, many parents choose to sit back and let their teens…
12 Valentine’s Day Activities
Making February special Every February I start to count the blessings in my life. My family is my greatest blessing and the thing that means the most to me. It’s a great time of year to think of some new ways to show your family how much they mean to you. As I was brainstorming…