I grew up as a complete tomboy. So when I think back to my childhood memories, most involve some sort of sporting event. When I think back on my school days memories, most involve gym class.
Recently, one of the children that I care for after school asked me what my favorite subject in school was. Her jaw dropped when I told her gym, which just so happens to be her most dreaded subject. I’m often astonished by the fact that most schools no longer have gym as a priority and few, if any, offer it daily anymore. I would’ve hated school if that had been the case when I was young.
When I first started homeschooling, what I worried most about, was my kids missing out on gym. How would we replicate all those amazing games and activities that I played in school without a whole classful of students?
Some of my favorite gym days were when we played parachute games. Oh, how I loved those games!
I bought a parachute for our family just before my daughter’s 5th birthday party. I wanted us to play some of those parachute games that I remember so fondly, with her family and friends.
This simple parachute has brought so much joy to our family and our daycare families. This time of year, when we’re stuck indoors all the time, and the kids have way too much energy, seems to be our most popular time for parachute games. The looks of delight on the children’s faces when we pull it out makes me smile every time.
If you don’t own a parachute, I highly suggest purchasing one when you are able to. The squeals of delight and continuous happy giggling will make it worth it–trust me–parachute games are the best!
Here is a list of some of my family’s favorite parachute games over the years:
1. Lifeguard & Shark: Everyone sits in a circle with just their legs under the parachute. 1 person is the shark and this person goes under the parachute in the middle. 1 person is the lifeguard and they stand outside of the circle. Everyone sitting in the circle starts making waves with the parachute. While that is happening, the shark crawls and grabs someone’s legs and drags them under the parachute. The person being dragged under raises his/her hand and yells “lifeguard, lifeguard”. The lifeguard has to try to “rescue” them before they are completely under. If they get dragged completely under, then they become a shark. If the lifeguard rescues them, they go back to their seated spot. Last person remaining, chooses whether to become the shark in the next game. The shark is the lifeguard in the next game.
2. Making Popcorn: Everyone stands holding onto the parachute with a couple of balls on it and start shaking it to make “popcorn”. Balls can be continually added for more fun and giggles.
3. Cat & Mouse: Everyone sits in a circle, pretzel legged, holding the parachute, which is on the ground. 1 person is the mouse and they go under the parachute. 1 person is the cat, and they go on top. Everyone seated makes waves while the mouse crawls around underneath and the cat tries to “catch” them from the top(by tagging them). Then the cat becomes the mouse for the next game, and the first mouse chooses a new cat. You can add more than 1 cat and/or mouse if you want to.
4. Making A House: Everyone stands in a circle holding the parachute. Everyone lifts it up above their heads and jumps a step or 2 inside of it and sit on the edge as it comes down, creating a “house”
5. Switch: Everyone stands in a circle, holding the parachute. Together, they raise it above their heads and the game leader yells out 2 names to try to switch spots before the parachute falls back down. You can add more names as you want to.
6. Ball Bomb: Everyone stands, holding the parachute with a ball on it, and starts making waves and trying to shake the ball off of the parachute, but away from them. Wherever the ball falls off, the closest person receives a point. Then you start over. Points tally as games continue and you can add them up at the end of the game if you choose to.
7. Ball In Hole: If the parachute has a hole in the middle, the kids all work together to try to shake the ball into the center to fall down the hole. You can do this standing up or
8. Changing Colors: Each player holds the edge of the parachute at a certain color. The parachute is pulled taut outwards. The game leader calls out: red! All players who are holding the parachute on a red edge change places under the parachute. Several colors can also be called out at once. It becomes very amusing when all colors are called out at once because the parachute is let go of and sinks down on top of all the players.
9. Making Waves–small waves, big waves. This is just for fun and learning how to shake the parachute together as a group.
10. Guess Who: Everyone stands with their eyes closed and holds the parachute, stretched taut. The game leader taps someone on the head and that person crawls under the parachute. The leader then tells everyone to sit down with their eyes still closed. The person underneath the parachute gives clues using a funny voice and the rest have to try to guess who it is.
Believe it or not, playing parachute games, besides being outright fun, provides children with life skills. Children must learn to work together, cooperate, take turns, listen carefully and follow directions.
Do you have any fun parachute games that you could add to this list?
For some more fun ideas to try with your children, check out this blog post:
Great childhood memories of playing with a parachute. It is for all ages. Love it