This last week, my family was given the privilege of attending a pour art workshop.
I am not an artsy type person, but when I heard about this opportunity, I jumped on board.
With the responsibility of scheduling, organizing and chauffeuring all of my children around, I’ve found that I generally sit on the sidelines and watch and encourage my children. It is one area of my life that I am trying hard to change. I’m striving to quit being just a spectator and becoming a participant instead. This pour art class was a perfect opportunity for me.
I must say, participating in this pour art activity alongside my children was a highlight of my year.
Since I found it to be such a rewarding experience, I’d like to share the process with you, in the hopes that you can participate in this experience alongside your children as well.

- Multi-Purpose Glue-All
- Artist Canvas
- White Acrylic Paint
- Acrylic paints(in your choice of colors)
- Plastic Cups
- Plastic Spoons
- Water
- Shallow Cardboard Box
- Wax Paper, Vinyl Tablecloth(Or something else to set finished product on to dry)
Getting Started
First off, prepare your area.
Set up one area where finished products will be placed.
One area with the shallow boxes, where the pouring will take place
A mixing area, set up with the cups, spoons, paints, glue-all, and water
An area where you can prepare your canvas

Pour Art Instructions Part 1
- 1) Paint your canvas with the plain white paint and set it aside to dry
- 2) Grab 4 cups and 4 plastic spoons per person. To make it simpler, label them with numbers 1-4
- 3) Into cup #1, measure out 4 spoonfuls of glue-all, 4 spoonfuls of the lightest color paint you’ve chosen to use, and 1 spoonful of water
- 4) Into cup #2, measure out 2 spoonfuls of glue-all, 2 spoonfuls of another paint color, and 1/2 spoonful of water
- 5) Repeat step 4 with cups #3 & #4(using your other paint choice colors).
You will now have 4 cups full of paint mixtures. Start mixing them well, until you don’t see any white left clinging to the bottom of the cup.
Pour Art Instructions Part 2
- 6) Set cup #1 down in front of you. This is the cup you will pour everything into now.
- 7) Grab the spoon from cup #2 and hold it angled over cup #1. Pour the paint from cup #2 over the spoon, so it flows into cup #1. Do not shake or stir.
- 8) Grab the spoon from cup #3 and hold it angled over cup #1. Pour the paint from cup #3 over the spoon, so it flows into cup #1. Do not shake or stir.
- 9) Do the same with cup #4.
- 10) Now take your prepared canvas and cup #1 over to the shallow box. The box is there really just to catch paint and prevent a mess. Put the canvas on top of the cup(canvas side facing the paint) and tip over so the paint pours onto the canvas.
- 11) Set the cup down and twist and turn your canvas so the paint pours over all of it and completely covers it.
- 12) VOILA! You’re done. Now set it aside to dry and admire it!
Once it is completely dry(ours took a couple of days), spray with a sealant to protect it.

This project is truly so much fun to participate in with your children. It sounds much more complicated than it really is.
We enjoyed it so much that we plan to do it on our own again this weekend.
If you try it, I’d love to see your results!