I know everyone approaches the New Year a little differently when it comes to goals, resolutions, word of the year, bucket lists, etc.
In my opinion, including one of these typical methods into my New Year routine, keeps me motivated and gives me a positive outlook on the year before me.
So, this year, I chose to do a “WORD OF THE YEAR“.
My word of the year is:
As 2022 is looking me square in the eyes, I’m choosing to stay focused on my word of the year: SIMPLIFY.
I plan to apply my word of the year to every aspect of my life.
On this journey, I will help to simplify the way each member of my family progresses towards their personal educational goals.
My biggest challenge in this area will be decluttering my bookshelves, board games, and educational supplies that I have scattered around my home.
Financial and day to day responsibilities
I will simplify in this area by unsubscribing to as many emails as possible. Also, I will ensure that I have the lowest/best rates on everything that I pay for. I will keep track of all appointments and set reminders when new ones need to be scheduled. Intentionally paying all bills on time and well before their due dates is also going to be a huge focus in this area for me.
Kitchen duties
I will focus on my word of the year: simplify, in this area with extensive menu planning. I am also going to be devoting time each day to food prepping so that I can ensure my family has healthy, balanced meals and snacks. I’m hoping to stay more intentional with cleaning up as I work and keeping my kitchen as clutter-free and organized as possible. Keeping lists in this area will also be imperative for me. Lists for groceries needed; what I’m low on; what is in my freezer and refrigerator; and what I have in my cupboards.
Simplifying in this realm in my life will include keeping my records up-to-date, posting daily reminders to myself, and using my planner regularly. I’m hoping that this will help me keep everything organized and running efficiently.
By embracing a method of decluttering, and striving towards a more minimalistic lifestyle than my family is accustomed to, I’m hoping to simplify our home.
I am going to remember that it is ok to say “no” to activities, even if we enjoy them if it is interfering with my ability to stay focused on my word of the year.
My new adventure into homesteading will be simplified by not shopping for new gadgets, but rather focusing on reusing, repurposing, or recycling items we already have. I am going to choose which skills are the most important to me to master, and I will stay focused on that skill until I am confident in my ability or the project is completed.
This was one of my dad’s favorite mantras.
“Keep it simple, stupid.”
This was originally an acronym adopted by the U.S. Navy in the 1960s.
“The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided”, according to Wikipedia.
Word of the year
What a great way for us to thrive in our homes, families, and educational endeavors.
Sometimes, simple really is more.
I am extremely excited and motivated to kick off 2022 with a new focus on my word of the year:
Did you adopt some type of traditional New Year tradition? Resolutions, goals, visions, or word of the year?
I’d love to hear from you!